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Information about a piece of news titled High injury incidence in Norwegian TeamGym

High injury incidence in Norwegian TeamGym


You might not believe it, but TeamGym is a highrisk sport. TeamGym has a higher prevalence of injuries than many other sports.


TeamGym is a relative new form of gymnastics originating from Scandinavia. Little is known regarding injury incidence and injury patterns.


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The aim of this study, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, was to examine the injury pattern and incidence in Norwegian TeamGym.



Premature comeback?

The study is a prospective cohort, with one 10-month season with seventeen different competitions.


There were 8418 athlete-exposures, and a total of 1134 hours of exposure.


Information on injury pattern, incidence and exposure during competition were collected using an injury registration form.


During the competitions a total of 115 injuries were reported.


These injuries included 49 acute injuries (43 %), 58 (50 %) were exacerbations and eight (7 %) were re-injuries.


A total of 30 time-loss injuries were found, giving 27 injuries per 1000 hours.


The high proportion of exacerbations shows that the gymnasts competed even if they had not recovered fully from previous overuse or acute injuries.




The ankle at risk

In addition, a higher injury rate was observed in competition than during the pre-competition apparatus warm-up.


Eighty-four percent of the injuries occurred in the landing phase of the gymnastic skill.


No sex differences were observed in this study.


The injury rate in Norwegian TeamGym is high, in particular for ankle injuries.


Read the whole article as published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports here (pdf).