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Information about a piece of news titled The first results from the Norwegian National Knee Ligament Registry are published

The first results from the Norwegian National Knee Ligament Registry are published


A new article by the American Journal of Sports Medicine describes the development and procedures of the Norwegian National Knee Ligament Registry, including baseline results from the first 2 years of operation.

The registry was established in 2004 and had the following two seasons included 2793 primary cruciate cruciate ligament reconstruction surgeries from 57 Norwegian hospitals. This corresponds to an annual population incidence of primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgeries of 34 per 100 000 citizens (85 per 100 000 citizens in the main at-risk age group of 16-39 years). The authors report a very high compliance of 97% after 21 months.


The success of implementing this registry opens great possibilities for rapid identification of inadequate procedures and devices. Also prognostic factors associated with good and poor outcomes,
at least for the most frequent categories can be identified based on such an registry.


The Norwegian National Knee Ligament Registry is established by Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center in cooperation with the Norwegian national joint registry. The authors were Lars-Petter Granan, Roald Bahr, Kjersti Steindal, Ove Furnes and Lars Engebretsen.


Read the article here


Read more about the cruciate registry project here