Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center

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Information about project titled 'Injuries in Norwegian female team handball'

Injuries in Norwegian female team handball

Details about the project - category Details about the project - value
Project status: Published
Project manager: Grethe Myklebust
Supervisor(s): Roald Bahr


Many studies have shown a high incidence of injuries among team handball players (Nielsen & Yde 1988, Fagerli et al. 1990, Strand et al. 1990, Lindblad et al. 1992, Wedderkopp et al. 1997, 1999, Lereim 1999). Except studies recording the incidence of ACL injuries there have not been recorded prospectively the incidence and types of injuries in senior team handball. In relation to a study of the incidence and prevention of ACL injuries in norwegian team handball we want to perform a general injury registration.

The purpose of the study is to find the injury incidence in norwegian female team handball in the elite, 1 and second division (1000 players). The teams physiotherapists will follow the teams and record injuries from 1.12.00 and rest of the season. Both acute and overuse injuries will be recorded. An injury will be recorded if the players get injured during an organized match or training, and in cases where the injury involves absence from practice or match. The purpose of the study is to get an impression of the injuries in team handball so we easier can sort out the right prevention strategies.

A total number of 173 injuries on 567 players were found. The incidence was 11,9 injuries per 1000 playing hours, and 0,16 injuries per 1000 training hours. In the elite division we found 15,2 injuries per 1000 playing hours and 0,14 per 1000 training hours. Eighty-three % of the injuries were acute injuries and 17% overuse injuries. Forty-seven% of the injuries were located to the ankle or knee. Of the injuries 38% gave an absence from match or training in 1-7 days, 28% in 8-21 days, 10% over 21 days and 16% rest of the season. Conclusion: The incidence of injuries in team handball is lower than in soccer, but higher than in volley- and basketball. The preventing strategies should be focused on knee- and ankle injuries.