Personal page of Cathrine Aga
Details about researcher: Cathrine Aga

Cathrine Aga
Cathrine is a PhD candidate at the University of Oslo and a specialist in orthopaedic surgery. She works at the Orthopaedic department at Martina Hansens Hospital, outside of Oslo. Cathrine´s PhD project, focuses at the ACL and the ”Double bundle” anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction of the knee.
Cathrine compares 2 different orthopaedic techniques for ACL reconstruction. She has also done 2 studies in collaboration with Steadman Philippon Research Institute, Vail, Colorado, and one study in collaboration with the Knee Ligament register in Bergen. Her PhD-supervisor is Lars Engebretsen.
Double-bundle reconstructions in Scandinavia, a register study of 60,775 patients.
Project manager: Cathrine Aga
Single-bundle versus double-bundle ACL reconstruction; a prospective, randomized controlled study of 120 patients
Project manager: Cathrine Aga
No difference in the KOOS Quality of Life subscore between anatomic double-bundle and anatomic single-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction of the knee: a prospective randomized controlled trial with 2 years’ follow-up
Aga, Cathrine; Risberg, May Arna; Fagerland, Morten; Johansen, Steinar; Trøan, I; Heir, Stig; Engebretsen, Lars.
American Journal of Sport Medicine 2018: Published online July 18
Risk of Revision Was Not Reduced by a Double-bundle ACL Reconstruction Technique: Results From the Scandinavian Registers
Aga, Cathrine; Kartus, JT; Lind, M; Lygre, SHL; Granan, Lars- Petter; Engebretsen, Lars
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 2017 475(10):2503–2512
Tunnel widening in single- versus double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed knees
Aga, Cathrine; Wilson, Katharine J; Johansen, Steinar; Dornan, Grant; La Prade, Robert F; Engebretsen, Lars
Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy 2017:25(4):1316-1327
Biomechanical comparison of interference screws and combination screw and sheath devices for soft tissue anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on the tibial side
Aga, Cathrine; Rasmussen, Matthew T; Smith, Sean D; Jansson, Kyle S; LaPrade, Robert F; Engebretsen, Lars; Wijdicks, Coen A
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2013:41(4):841-848