Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center

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Personal page of Håvard Moksnes

Details about researcher: Håvard Moksnes

Portrait of Håvard Moksnes

Håvard Moksnes



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Håvard studied physiotherapy in Oslo between 1995 and 1999 and completed a Master in sports sciences at the Norwegian School of Sports Sciences between 2006 and 2008. 

In May 2013 he defended his PhD at the Norwegian School of Sports Sciences focusing on pediatric knee injuries. Håvard remains an active member of our research group, and is responsible for «The Pediatric ACL Monitoring Initiative (PAMI)», which is a multinational database on pediatric ACL injuries in collaboration with the European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery & Arthroscopy (ESSKA). Håvard is also active in ongoing research projects on Return to Sport following ACL injuries.

Håvard also works clinically as a sports physiotherapist at the Norwegian Olympic Centre and the Norwegian FA Sports Medicine Clinic (Idrettens Helsesenter). He has particular responsibilities with following up Olympic athletes following major knee injuries. Over the past decade he has worked for several national teams in football, team handball, athletics and alpine skiing.

He is a former football player with caps for Norwegian youth teams in the 1990s.

