Personal page of Joar Harøy
Details about researcher: Joar Harøy

Joar Harøy
Joar defended his PhD thesis «Groin injuries among football players : A substantial but preventable problem» at Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center, November 2018.
He is a former elite football player and has experience as a physiotherapist for Norway national youth football teams.
Joar currently works at Idrettens Helsesenter as a physiotherapist with hip and groin problems as a speciality.
Groin injuries in women’s premier league football in Norway – A 2 year prospective cohort study describing clinical and imaging characteristics
Project manager: Solveig Thorarindsdottir
ReadyToPlay – Injury and illness in female elite football players
Project manager: Roar Amundsen, Solveig Thorarindsdottir, Markus Vagle
Assessment and classification of athletic groin pain (AGP) – including follow-up after 10, 26 and 52 weeks
Project manager: Joar Harøy
Training load, injury and physical performance in Norwegian elite female football
Project manager: Markus Vagle
Can training load management decrease injury and illness risk in elite youth-football?
Project manager: Torstein Dalen-Lorentsen
Prevalence of health problems in elite-youth football
Project manager: Torstein Dalen-Lorentsen
Groin problems in male soccer players are more common than previously reported
Project manager: Joar Harøy
Lower HAGOS subscale scores associated with a longer duration of groin problems in football players in the subsequent season
Harøy, Joar; Bache-Mathiesen, Lena Kristin; Andersen, Thor Einar
BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 2024;10:e001812. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2023-001812
We stand with the players: a call to action for the football community
Dalen-Lorentsen, Torstein; Bjørneboe, John; Harøy, Joar; Andersen, Thor Einar Andersen
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2024 May 31;58(12):639-640. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2023-108041
Physical Performance Profiles in Norwegian Premier League Female Football: A Descriptive Study
Vagle, Markus; Dalen-Lorentsen, Torstein; Moksnes, Håvard; Harøy, Joar; Bjørneboe, John; Thor Einar Andersen
International Journal of Sports Physiology & Performance 2023 May 18;18(7):695-703
Adductor Strengthening Programme is successfully adopted but frequently modified in Norwegian male professional football teams: a cross-sectional study
Stensø, Joakim; Andersen, Thor Einar; Harøy, Joar
British Medical Journal Open 2022:12(9)
Sports injury prevention programmes from the sports physical therapist's perspective: An international expert Delphi approach
Mendonça, Luciana De Michelis; Schuermans, Joke; Denolf. Sander; Napier, Christopher; Bittencourt, Natália F N; Romanuk, Andrés; Tak, Igor: Thorborg, Kristian; Bizzini, Mario; Ramponi, Carlo; Paterson. Colin; Hägglund, Martin; Malisoux, Laurent; Attar, Wesam Saleh A Al; Samukawa, Mina; Esteve, Ernest; Bakare, Ummkulthoum; Constantinou, Maria; Schneiders, Anthony; Gomes, Alexandre Cavallieri; Florentz, Didier; Kaya, Derya Ozer; Lesmana, Syahmirza Indra; Harøy, Joar; Kuparinen, Vesa; Philips, Nicola; Jenkins, Walter; Wezenbeek, Evi; Witvrouw, Erik
Physical Therapy in Sport 2022:55:146-154
Validation of the Copenhagen Hip and Groin Outcome Score (HAGOS) using modern test theory across different cultures and languages: a cross-sectional study of 452 male athletes with groin pain
Christensen, Karl Bang; Clausen, Mikkel Bek; King, Enda; Franklyn-Miller, Andrew; Harøy, Joar; Andersen, Thor Einar; Hölmich, Per; Thorborg, Kristian
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2022:56(6):333-339
Injury prevention knowledge, beliefs and strategies in elite female footballers at the FIFA Women's World Cup France 2019
Geertsema, Celeste; Geertsema, Liesel; Farooq, Abdulaziz; Harøy, Joar; Oester, Chelsea; Weber, Alexis; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2021:55(14):801-806
Improved Reporting of Overuse Injuries and Health Problems in Sport: An Update of the Oslo Sport Trauma Research Center Questionnaires
Clarsen, Benjamin; Bahr, Roald; Myklebust, Grethe; Andersson, Stig Haugsbø; Docking, Sean Iain; Drew, Michael; Finch, Caroline F; Fortington, Lauren Victoria; Harøy, Joar; Khan, Karim M; Moreau, Bill; Moore, Isabel S; Møller, Merete; Nabhan, Dustin; Nielsen, Rasmus Oestergaard; Pasanen, Kati; Schwellnus, Martin; Soligard, Torbjørn; Verhagen, Evert
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2020:54(7):390-396
Groin injuries among football players - A substantial but preventable problem (PhD thesis)
Harøy, Joar
Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, PhD-thesis, 2018
Implementation of the Adductor Strengthening Programme: Players primed for adoption but reluctant to maintain - A cross-sectional study
Harøy, Joar; Wiger, Espen Guldahl; Bahr, Roald; Andersen, Thor Einar
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 2019:29(8):1092-1100
Infographic. The Adductor Strengthening Programme prevents groin problems among male football players
Harøy, Joar; Pope, David; Clarsen, Ben; Wiger, Espen Guldahl; Øyen, Mari Glomnes; Serner, Andreas; Thorborg, Kristian; Hölmich, Per; Andersen, Thor Einar, Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2019:53(1):45-46
The Adductor Strengthening Programme prevents groin problems among male football players: a cluster-randomised controlled trial
Harøy, Joar; Clarsen, Ben; Wiger, EG; Øyen, MG; Serner, Andreas; Thorborg, Kristian; Hölmich, Per; Andersen, Thor Einar; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2019:53(3):150-157
Groin problems in male soccer players are more common than previously reported
Harøy, Joar; Clarsen, Ben; Thorborg, Kristian; Hölmich, Per; Bahr, Roald; Andersen, Thor Einar
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:45(6):1304-1308
Including the Copenhagen Adduction Exercise in the FIFA 11+ provides missing eccentric hip adduction strength effect in male soccer players: a randomized controlled trial
Harøy, Joar; Thorborg, Kristian;, Serner, Andreas; Bjørkheim, A; Rolstad, LE; Hölmich, Per; Bahr, Roald; Andersen, Thor Einar
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:45(13):3052-3059