Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center

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Personal page of Ben Clarsen

Details about researcher: Ben Clarsen

Portrait of Ben Clarsen

Ben Clarsen




Ben Clarsen studied physiotherapy at the University of Sydney between 1996 and 2001 and completed a Master in sports physiotherapy at the Norwegian School of Sports Sciences between 2007 and 2009. 

In January 2015 he defended his PhD at the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center focusing on overuse injuries in sports. Ben remains an active member of our research group, and is responsible for injury and illness surveillance for the Norwegian Olympic Sports Program (Olympiatoppen).

Ben also works clinically as a sports physiotherapist, and has a particular interest in the management of overuse injuries. Over the past decade he has worked for several professional cycling teams and the Australian and Norwegian national teams. He has worked on the UCI Pro Tour for a number of seasons, as well as at numerous World Cycling Championships,  the Tour de France and Olympic Games.

He is a former member of the Australian national rowing team and a silver medal winner from the 1997 under-23 world championships.

