Personlig side til Ben Clarsen
Detaljer om forsker: Ben Clarsen

Ben Clarsen
Ben Clarsen studerte fysioterapi ved University of Sydney mellom 1996 og 2001 og fullførte en mastergrad i idrettsfysioterapi ved Norges idrettshøgskole mellom 2007 og 2009. I januar 2015 forsvarte han doktorgraden sin ved Senter for Idrettsskadeforskning, der temaet var fokus på overbelastningsskader i idrett.
Ben er fortsatt et aktivt medlem av forskningsgruppen vår, ved siden av sin rolle som leder for FIFAs Global Player Health Surveillance.
Ben er leder for den internasjonale olympiske komités idrettsfysioterapi kurs (IOC diploma). Han har over 20 års erfaring som idrettsfysioterapeut, blant annet fra Olympiatoppen, privat praksis og fra flere profesjonelle og nasjonale sykkellag.
Han har tidligere vært medlem av det australske rolandslaget og vant sølvmedalje i U-23 verdensmesterskapet i 1997.
ostRc: en verktøyskasse for å håndtere selvrapporterte skadedata
Prosjektleder: Lena Kristin Bache-Mathiesen
Hvordan modellere sammenhengen mellom relativ treningsbelastning og risiko for skade
Prosjektleder: Lena Kristin Bache-Mathiesen
Hvordan estimere den kumulative effekten av langtids-treningsbelastning på risikoen for idrettsskader
Prosjektleder: Lena Kristin Bache-Mathiesen
ReadyToPlay – Skader og sykdom i elite kvinnefotball
Prosjektleder: Roar Amundsen, Solveig Thorarindsdottir, Markus Vagle
Prevailing high illness burden for elite Para athletes
Prosjektleder: Kathrin Steffen
Methods, challenges and benefits of a health monitoring program
Prosjektleder: Ben Clarsen
Association of training and game loads to injury risk in junior male elite ice hockey players: a prospective cohort study
Prosjektleder: Anine Nordstrøm
Hvordan håndtere manglende observasjoner i treningsbelastningsmålinger
Prosjektleder: Lena Kristin Bache-Mathiesen
ParaFRISK – forebygging av skader og sykdom blant paralympiske utøvere
Prosjektleder: Kathrin Steffen
Håndtering av ikke-lineæritet i sammenhengen mellom treningsbelastning og risiko for skade
Prosjektleder: Lena Kristin Bache-Mathiesen
Metodiske forskjeller for å analysere forholdet mellom Acute:Chronic Workload Ratio og skade
Prosjektleder: Torstein Dalen-Lorentsen
Treningsbelastning, treningsstatus, skader og fysisk prestasjonsevne i norsk elite kvinnefotball
Prosjektleder: Markus Vagle
Kan styring av treningsbelastning redusere skader og sykdom i elite-junior fotball?
Prosjektleder: Torstein Dalen-Lorentsen
Prevalens av helseproblemer i elite-juniorfotball
Prosjektleder: Torstein Dalen-Lorentsen
Lyskeproblemer blant mannlige fotballspillere mer utbredt enn tidligere rapportert
Prosjektleder: Joar Harøy
Overvåkingssystem for skader og sykdommer blant norske Olympiske og Paralympiske utøvere
Prosjektleder: Ben Clarsen
Risikofaktorer for belastningsskader i håndball
Prosjektleder: Ben Clarsen
Ny metodikk for registrering av belastningsskader
Prosjektleder: Ben Clarsen
Belastningsskader i profesjonell landeveissykling
Prosjektleder: Ben Clarsen
Introducing a new method to record injuries during military training: a prospective study among 296 young Norwegian conscripts
Bjørneboe, John; Heen, A; Borud, E; Bahr, Roald; Clarsen, Ben; Norheim, AJ
BMJ Military Health 2024 Mar 20;170(2):101-106. doi: 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2022-002088.
Time-loss injuries and illnesses at the FIFA world cup Qatar 2022
Serner, Andreas; Chamari, Karim; Hassanmirzaei, Bahar; Moreira, Francisco; Bahr, Roald; Massey, Andrew; Grimm, Katharina; Clarsen, Ben; Tabben, Montassar
Science & Medicine in Football 2024 Jun 11:1-8. doi: 10.1080/24733938.2024.2357568. Online ahead of print
A prospective study of injuries and illnesses among 910 amateur golfers during one season
Robinson, Patrick Gordon; Clarsen, Ben; Murray, Andrew; Junge, Astrid; Mountjoy, Margo; Drobny, Tomas; Gill, Lance; Gazzano, Francois; Voight, Mike; Dvorak, Jiri
BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 2024 Jul 31;10(3):e001844. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2023-001844. eCollection 2024
Do not neglect injury severity and burden when assessing the effect of sports injury prevention interventions: time to paint the whole picture
Verhagen, Evert; Clarsen, Ben; Graaff, Larisa van der; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2024 Oct 22;58(20):1166-1169
Snow sports-specific extension of the IOC consensus statement: methods for recording and reporting epidemiological data on injury and illness in sports
Spörri, Jörg; McGawley, Kerry; Alhammoud, Marine; Bahr, Roald; Dios, Caitlin; Engebretsen, Lars; Gilgien, Matthias; Gouttebarge, Vincent; Hanstock, Helen; Haugvad, Lars; Hörterer, Hubert; Kastner, Tom; Mitterbauer, Gerald; Mountjoy, Margo; Wagner, Kathrin; Noordhod, Dionne A; Ruedl, Gerhard; Scherr, Johannes; Schobersberger, Wolfgang; Soligard, Torbjørn; Steidl-Müller, Lisa; Rebne Stenseth, Oleane Marthea; Uhrenholdt Jacobsen, Astrid; Valtonen, Maarit; Westin, Maria; Clarsen, Ben; Verhagen, Evert
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2024 Nov 7:bjsports-2024-108720. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108720. Online ahead of print.
Comprehensive periodic health evaluations of 454 Norwegian Paralympic and Olympic athletes over 8 years: what did we learn?
Steffen, Kathrin; Bahr, Roald; Clarsen, Ben; Fossan, Bjørn; Fredriksen, Hilde; Gjelsvik, Hilde; Haugvad, Lars; Fenne Hoksrud, Aasne; Iversen, Erik; Koivisto-Mørk, Anu; Moen, Ellen; Røstad, Vibeke; Reier-Nilsen, Tonje; Torgalsen, Thomas; Moseby Berge, Hilde
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2024 Jul 25;58(15):826-835
A new statistical approach to training load and injury risk: separating the acute from the chronic load
Bache-Mathiesen, Lena Kristin; Andersen, Thor Einar; Dalen- Lorentsen, Torstein; Tabben, Montassar; Chamari, Karim; Clarsen, Benjamin; Wang Fagerland, Morten
Biology of Sport 2023 41(1):119–134
Illness and injury among Norwegian Para athletes over five consecutive Paralympic Summer and Winter Games cycles: prevailing high illness burden on the road from 2012 to 2020
Steffen, Kathrin; Clarsen, Benjamin; Gjelsvik, Hilde; Haugvad, Lars; Koivisto-Mørk, Anu; Bahr, Roald; Moseby Berge, Hilde
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2022 Feb;56(4):204-21
#ReadyToPlay: health problems in women's football-a two-season prospective cohort study in the Norwegian Premier League
Amundsen, Roar; Thorarinsdottir, Solveig; Clarsen, Benjamin; Andersen, Thor Einar; Møller, Merete; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2023 Nov 15 (Online ahead of print)
Cross-sectional study of characteristics and prevalence of musculoskeletal complaints in 1170 male golfers
Murray, Andrew; Junge, Astrid; Robinson, Patrick Gordon; Clarsen, Ben; Mountjoy, Margo Lynn; Drobny, Tomas; Gill, Lance; Gazzano, Francois; Voight, Mike; Dvorak, Jiri
BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 2023 Mar 27;9(1):e001504. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2022-001504. eCollection 2023.
Injury and illness among Norwegian Olympic athletes during preparation for five consecutive Summer and Winter Games
Clarsen, Benjamin; Moseby Berge, Hile; Bendiksen, Fredrik; Fossan, Bjørn; Fredriksen, Hilde; Haugvad, Lars; Kjelsberg, Mona; Rønsen, Ola; Steffen, Kathrin; Torgalsen, Thomas; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2023 Dec 8:bjsports-2023-107128. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2023-107128. Online ahead of print.
Mental health in elite student athletes - exploring the link between training volume and mental health problems in Norwegian college and university students
Grasdalsmoen, Michael; Clarsen, Benjamin; Sivertsen, Børge
Front Sports Act Living. 2022 Feb 1;4:817757. doi: 10.3389/fspor.2022.817757. eCollection 2022
Association between preseason fitness level and risk of injury or illness in male elite ice hockey players - a prospective cohort study
Nordstrøm, Anine; Bahr, Roald; Clarsen, Ben; Talsnes, Ove
Orthop J Sports Med. 2022 Feb; 10(2): 23259671221076849. Published online 2022 Feb 22. doi: 10.1177/23259671221076849
Injury and illness in elite athletics - a prospective cohort study over three seasons
Kelly, Shane; Pollock, Noel; Polglass, George; Clarsen, Ben
IJSPT. 2022;17(3):420-433.
Association of Training and Game Loads to Injury Risk in Junior Male Elite Ice Hockey Players: A Prospective Cohort Study
Nordstrøm, Anine; Bahr, Roald; Bache-Mathiesen, Lena Kristin; Clarsen, Ben; Talsnes, Ove
The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 2022:10(10): eCollection 2022 Oct.
Injury characteristics in Norwegian male professional football: A comparison between a regular season and a season in the pandemic
Dalen-Lorentsen, Torsten; Andersen, Thor Einar; Thorbjørnsen, Christian; Brown, Michael; Tovi, David; Braastad, Anders, Lindinger, Tom Gerald; Williams, Christian; Moen, Eirik; Clarsen, Ben, Bjørneboe, John
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living 2022 Oct 21;4:915581. doi: 10.3389/fspor.2022.915581. eCollection 2022.
Handling and reporting missing data in training load and injury risk research
Bache-Mathiesen, Lena K; Andersen, Thor Einar; Clarsen, Benjamin; Fagerland, Morten Wang
Science & Medicine in Football 2022:Nov;6(4):452-464
Assessing the cumulative effect of long-term training load on the risk of injury in team sports
Bache-Mathiesen, Lena Kristin; Andersen, Thor Einar; Dalen-Lorentsen, Torstein; Clarsen, Benjamin; Fagerland, Morten Wang
BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 2022:May 30;8(2):e001342. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2022-001342. eCollection 2022.
Prevalence and burden of health problems in top-level football referees
Moen, Christian; Andersen, Thor Einar; Clarsen, Ben; Madsen-Kaarød, Gitte; Dalen-Lorentsen, Torstein
Science & Medicine in Football 2023 May;7(2):131-138
A cherry, ripe for picking - the relationship between the acute-chronic workload ratio and health problems
Dalen-Lorentsen, Torstein; Andersen, Thor Einar; Bjørneboe, John; Vagle, Markus; Martin, Kevin Nordanger; Kleppen, Michael; Wang Fagerland, Morten; Clarsen, Benjamin
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2021 Apr;51(4):162-173. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2021.9893. Epub 2021 Jan 20.
Methods, challenges and benefits of a health monitoring programme for Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic athletes: the road from London 2012 to Tokyo 2020
Clarsen, Ben; Steffen, Kathrin; Moseby Berge, Hilde; Bendiksen, Fredrik; Fossan, Bjørn; Fredriksen, Hilde, Gjelsvik, Hilde; Haugvad, Lars, Kjelsberg, Mona; Rønsen, Ola; Torgalsen, Thomas; Walløe, Anders; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2021: Published online May
Statement on methods in sport injury research from the 1st METHODS MATTER Meeting, Copenhagen, 2019
Nielsen, Rasmus Oestergaard; Shrier, Ian; Casals, Marti; Nettel-Aguirre, Albertro Møller, Merete; Bolling, Caroline; Bittencourt, Natália Franco Netto; Clarsen, Benjamin; Wedderkopp, Niels; Soligard, Torbjørn; Timpka, Toomas; Emery, Carolyn; Bahr, Roald; Jacobsson, Jenny; Whiteley, Rod; Dahlstrom, Orjan; van Dyk, Nicol; Pluim, Babette M; Stamatakis, Emmanuel; Palacios-Derflingher, Luz; Fagerland, Morten Wang; Khan, Karim; Ardern, Clare L; Verhagen, Evert
Br J Sports Med 20 Aug;54(15):941. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101323. Epub 2020 May 4.
Incidence, prevalence, severity, and risk factors for hip and groin problems in Swedish male ice hockey – A one-season prospective cohort study
Wörner, Tobias; Thorborg, Kristian; Clarsen, Benjamin; Eek, Frida
J Athl Train. 2021 May 26. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-0522.20. Online ahead of print.
Carefully executed studies of illness in elite sport: still room to improve methods in at least five ways
Berge, Hilde Moseby; Clarsen, Ben
Br J Sports Med. 2016 Jul;50(13):773-4. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2016-096411
New data on illness in elite sport - are immediate flights home after competition a changeable risk factor?
Berge, Hilde Moseby; Clarsen, Ben
Editorial Br J Sports Med. 2016 Jul;50(13):772-3. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2016-096378.
Not straightforward - modelling non-linearity in training load and injury research
Bache-Mathiesen, Lena Kristin; Andersen, Thor Einar; Dalen-Lorentsen, Torstein; Clarsen, Benjamin; Fagerland, Morten Wang
Bache-Mathiesen LK, et al. BMJ Open Sp Ex Med 2021;7:e001119. doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2021-001119
Facilitators and barriers for implementation of a load management intervention in football
Dalen-Lorentsen, Torstein; Ranvik, Andreas; Bjørneboe, John; Clarsen, Benjamin; Andersen, Thor Einar
BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2021 Jun 22;7(2):e001046. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2021-001046. eCollection 2021
Prevalence and burden of health problems in competitive adolescent distance runners: A 6-month prospective cohort study
Mann, Robert H; Clarsen, Benjamin M; McKay, Carly D; Clift, Bryan C; Williams, Craig A; Barker, Alan R
Journal of Sports Sciences 2021:39(12):1366-1375
Tennis-specific extension of the International Olympic Committee consensus statement: methods for recording and reporting of epidemiological data on injury and illness in sport 2020
Verhagen, Evert; Clarsen, Benjamin; Capel-Davies, Jamie; Collins, Christy; Derman, Wayne; de Winter, Don; Dunn, Nicky; Ellenbecker, Todd S; Forde, Raymond; Hainline, Brian; Larkin, Jo; Reid, Machar; Renstrøm, Per Afh; Stroia, Kathleen; Wolstenholme, Sue; Pluim, Babette M
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2021:55(1):9-13
Prevalence and Burden of Self-Reported Health Problems in Junior Male Elite Ice Hockey Players: A 44-Week Prospective Cohort Study
Nordstrøm, Anine; Bahr, Roald; Clarsen, Benjamin; Talsnes, Ove
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2021:49(12):3379-3385
Illness and injury among Norwegian Para athletes over five consecutive Paralympic Summer and Winter Games cycles - prevailing high illness burden on the road from 2012 to 2020
Steffen, Kathrin; Clarsen, Benjamin; Gjelsvik, Hilde; Haugvad, Lars; Koivisto-Mørk, Anu; Bahr, Roald; Berge, Hilde Moseby
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2022 56(4):204-212
Prevalence and Burden of Health Problems in Male Elite Ice Hockey Players: A Prospective Study in the Norwegian Professional League
Nordstrøm, Anine; Bahr, Roald; Talsnes, Ove; Clarsen, Ben
Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 2020: Published online Feb 19
International Olympic Committee consensus statement: methods for recording and reporting of epidemiological data on injury and illness in sport 2020 (including STROBE Extension for Sport Injury and Illness Surveillance (STROBE-SIIS))
Bahr, Roald; Clarsen, Ben; Derman, W; Dvorak, Jiri; Emery, CA; Finch, CF; Hägglund, Martin; Junge, Astrid; Kemp, Simon; Khan, Karim M; Marshall, SW; Meeuwisse, W; Mountjoy, M; Orchard JW; Pluim, B; Quarrie, KL; Reider, B; Schwellnus, M; Soligard, Torbjørn; Stokes, KA; Timpka, T; Verhagen, E; Bindra, A; Budgett, Richard; Engebretsen, Lars; Erdener, Uğur; Chamari, K
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2020:54(7):372-389
Does load management using the acute:chronic workload ratio prevent health problems? A cluster randomised trial of 482 elite youth footballers of both sexes
Dalen-Lorentsen, Torstein; Bjørneboe, John; Clarsen, Ben; Vagle, Markus; Fagerland, Morten Wang; Andersen, Thor Einar
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2020; Accepted Sept 10
Statement on Methods in Sport Injury Research From the 1st METHODS MATTER Meeting, Copenhagen, 2019
Nielsen, RO; Shrier, I; Casals, M; Nettel-Aguirre, A; Møller, M; Bolling, C; Bittencourt, NFN; Clarsen, Ben; Wedderkopp, N; Soligard, Torbjørn; Timpka, T; Emery, CA; Bahr, Roald; Jacobsson, J; Whiteley, R; Dahlström, O; van Dyk, N; Pluim, BM; Stamatakis, E; Palacios-Derflingher, L; Fagerland, Morten W; Khan, K; Ardern, CL; Verhagen, E
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2020:50(5):226-233
Improved Reporting of Overuse Injuries and Health Problems in Sport: An Update of the Oslo Sport Trauma Research Center Questionnaires
Clarsen, Benjamin; Bahr, Roald; Myklebust, Grethe; Andersson, Stig Haugsbø; Docking, Sean Iain; Drew, Michael; Finch, Caroline F; Fortington, Lauren Victoria; Harøy, Joar; Khan, Karim M; Moreau, Bill; Moore, Isabel S; Møller, Merete; Nabhan, Dustin; Nielsen, Rasmus Oestergaard; Pasanen, Kati; Schwellnus, Martin; Soligard, Torbjørn; Verhagen, Evert
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2020:54(7):390-396
Infographic. The Adductor Strengthening Programme prevents groin problems among male football players
Harøy, Joar; Pope, David; Clarsen, Ben; Wiger, Espen Guldahl; Øyen, Mari Glomnes; Serner, Andreas; Thorborg, Kristian; Hölmich, Per; Andersen, Thor Einar, Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2019:53(1):45-46
The Adductor Strengthening Programme prevents groin problems among male football players: a cluster-randomised controlled trial
Harøy, Joar; Clarsen, Ben; Wiger, EG; Øyen, MG; Serner, Andreas; Thorborg, Kristian; Hölmich, Per; Andersen, Thor Einar; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2019:53(3):150-157
The prevalence and severity of health problems in youth elite sports: a 6-month prospective cohort study of 320 athletes
Moseid, Christine Holm; Myklebust, Grethe; Fagerland, Morten; Clarsen, Ben; Bahr, Roald
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2018:28(4):1412-1423
Groin problems in male soccer players are more common than previously reported
Harøy, Joar; Clarsen, Ben; Thorborg, Kristian; Hölmich, Per; Bahr, Roald; Andersen, Thor Einar
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:45(6):1304-1308
Risk factors for overuse shoulder injuries in a mixed-sex cohort of 329 elite handball players: previous findings could not be confirmed
Andersson, Stig Haugsbø; Bahr, Roald; Clarsen, Ben; Myklebust, Grethe
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2018:52(18):1191-1198
Preventing overuse shoulder injuries among throwing athletes: a cluster-randomised controlled trial in 660 elite handball players
Andersson, Stig Haugsboe; Bahr, Roald; Clarsen, Ben; Myklebust, Grethe
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:51(14):1073-1080
How much is too much? (Part 2) - International Olympic Committee consensus statement on load in sport and risk of illness
Schwellnus, Martin; Soligard, Torbjørn; Alonso, Juan-Manuel; Bahr, Roald; Clarsen, Ben; Dijkstra, Paul; Gabbett, Tim; Gleeson, Michael; Hägglund, Martin; Hutchinson, Mark; Van Rensburg, Christa; Meeusen, Romain; Orchard, Johan; Pluim, Babette; Raftery, Martin; Budgett, Richard; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2016:50(17):1043-1052
How much is too much? (Part 1) - International Olympic Committee consensus statement on load in sport and risk of injury
Soligard, Torbjørn; Schwellnus, Martin; Alonso, Juan-Manuel; Bahr, Roald; Clarsen, Ben; Dijkstra, Paul; Gabbett, Tim; Gleeson, Michael; Hägglund, Martin; Hutchinson, Mark; Van Rensburg, Christa; Khan, Karim; Meeusen, Romain; Orchard, Johan; Pluim, Babette; Raftery, Martin; Budgett, Richard; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2016:50(17):1030-1041
German translation and content validation of the OSTRC Questionnaire on overuse injuries and health problems
Hirschmüller, Anja; Steffen, Kathrin; Fassbender, Katharina; Clarsen, Ben; Leonhard; Konstantinidis; Südkamp; Kubosch, Eva Johanna
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017:51(4):260-263
Striking the balance between too little and too much physical activity
Berge, Hilde Moseby; Clarsen, Ben
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2015:49(11):701
Overuse injuries in sport - Development, validation and application of a new surveillance method
Clarsen, Ben
Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, Oslo, Norway, 2015.
A one-season prospective study of injuries and illness in elite junior tennis
Pluim, Babette; Loeffen, Frank; Clarsen, Ben; Bahr, Roald; Verhagen, Evert
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 2016:26(5):564-571
Reduced glenohumeral rotation, external rotation weakness and scapular dyskinesis are risk factors for shoulder injuries among elite male handball players: a prospective cohort study
Clarsen, Ben; Bahr, Roald; Andersson, Stig Haugsboe; Munk, Rikke; Myklebust, Grethe
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2014:48(17):1327-1333
Matching the choice of injury/illness definition to study setting, purpose and design: one size does not fit all!
Clarsen, Ben; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2014:48(7):510-512
The prevalence and impact of overuse injuries in five Norwegian sports: Application of a new surveillance method
Clarsen, Ben; Bahr, Roald; Heymans, MW; Engedahl, Martin; Midtsundstad, Guri; Rosenlund, Linn; Thorsen, Gro; Myklebust, Grethe
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 2015:25(3):323-330
Injury and illness definitions and data collection procedures for use in epidemiological studies in Athletics (track and field): consensus statement
Timpka, T; Alonso, JM; Jacobsson, J; Junge, Astrid; Branco, P; Clarsen, Ben; Kowalski, J; Mountjoy, M; Nilsson, S; Pluim, B; Renström, P; Rønsen, Ola; Steffen, Kathrin; Edouard, P
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2014:48(7):483-490
High prevalence of overuse injury among iron-distance triathletes
Andersen, Christian; Clarsen, Ben; Johansen, Tone; Engebretsen, Lars
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2013:47(13):857-61
Sports injury prevention:Mission Possible!
Berge, Hilde Moseby; Clarsen, Ben
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2013:47(8):467-468
Development and validation of a new method for the registration of overuse injuries in sports injury epidemiology: the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Centre (OSTRC) Overuse Injury Questionnaire
Clarsen, Benjamin; Myklebust, Grethe; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2013:47(8):495-502
The Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center questionnaire on health problems: a new approach to prospective monitoring of illness and injury in elite athletes
Clarsen, Benjamin; Rønsen, Ola; Myklebust, Grethe; Flørenes, Tonje Wåle; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2014:48(9):754-760
A peek into the future of sports medicine: the digital revolution has entered our pitch
Verhagen, Evert; Clarsen, Ben; Bahr, Roald
British Journal of Sports Medicine 2014:48(9):739-740
Overuse injuries in professional road cyclists
Clarsen, Ben; Krosshaug, Tron; Bahr, Roald
American Journal of Sports Medicine 2010:38(12):2494-2501